東村山1丁目 diary


英語の記事を翻訳する試み その1 ~Adobe disital marketing blogより〜


Facebook vs. Google

In the Facebook faceoff with Google, we discovered Facebook’s radical moves have taken the lead. Now that the dust has settled, Facebook’s decision to remove ads from the right rail and add them to the newsfeed has reduced the number of ads seen by half, but click-through-rates has doubled. We asked 400 US smartphone users if they agreed that Facebook served ads of genuine interest. A stunning 51% of them said yes!

By contrast, Google’s display ad network, which includes YouTube placements, only had 17% of respondents saying yes. Facebook’s real benefit has been their advertising targeting tools. Marketers say they can find relevant audiences (especially via look-a-like modeling) within Facebook. The results show relevance is the key to peace and harmony with digital advertising.

Facebookの、広告をright rail(ページの右側にある広告エリア)から外してニュースフィードに追加するという決断は、広告の閲覧数を半分に減少させたが、CTRは二倍になった。わたしたちはUSの400人のスマートフォンユーザーにFacebookは純粋に興味のある広告を提供していると思うか尋ねた。驚いたことに51%ものユーザーが「Yes.」と答えた。

一方、YouTubeを含めたGoogleのGDN(Google's display ad network)では、たった17%の回答者しかYesと答えなかった。

Twitter vs. Pinterest

The folks over at Twitter have been working hard to make their platform ad friendly. The Pinterest team on the other hand, could win most conservative social platform of the year. Pinterest has such a great opportunity with retail marketers, but when we looked at how much revenue a visitor from Pinterest had versus Twitter, the fortunes have reversed in the last year. The higher RPV for Twitter makes the ad network more valuable going into heavy retail advertising periods in Q3 and Q4. It’s time for Pinterest to expand its marketing opportunities.

Twitter社の人々は、彼らのプラットフォームをアドフレンドリーにしようと努力してきた。他方でPinterestはもっとも保守的なソーシャルプラットフォームだった。Pinterestは小売業のマーケターには良い機会(ツール)であるが、Pinterestからの訪問者がTwitterに比べてどのくらい利益をもたらすかを見ると、その収益は昨年逆転している。Twitterの高いRPV(revenue per visit 1訪問あたりの収益)は、そのアドネットワークを更に価値あるものにしている。Pinterestはマーケティング機会を拡大する時期に来ている。

Marketer vs. Mobile

Mobile is beating up on marketing in perhaps the most epic battle digital has ever seen. Mobile browsing is on pace to surpass desktop browsing within the next 18 months. We’ve been talking about “mobile first” for nearly 5 years now, yet most marketers admit they aren’t coping with the switch very well. When Google recently announced they’d be downgrading sites that weren’t mobile friendly in their mobile organic search results, marketers panicked and nicknamed it “mobilegeddeon.”

Over the course of the last 6 weeks, these low engagement mobile sites (our definition of mobile unfriendly) have seen an up to 10% decline in their mobile search traffic coming from Google. Marketers are still not finding the engagement and returns from mobile traffic they see from desktop browsing. With over 20 billion web visits to look at, we wondered if the best mobile websites were able to reach parity between mobile and desktop browsing. For engagement, the answer was yes. But for retail revenue, absolutely not. In fact even the best retail websites are only able to generate about 50% of the revenue per visit on a mobile browsing session versus a desktop one.



take the lead 先導する
face off with〜 〜との対決
now that〜 今や〜なので
by contrast 方や
on the other hand 一方
cope with 処理する
